
zambezi river meaning in English



  1. Deep in southern africa , on the mighty zambezi river , there ' s a falling wall of water so awesome and powerful that you can see its mist from 20 miles away
  2. Go white - water rafting on the zambezi river , the river that provides the world ' s greatest whitewater adventure . all the rapids are big and fast - grades 4 and 5
  3. Along with hippos and bathing elephants , crocodiles share the zambezi river . a dangling arm or leg from a canoe can be enough to entice their appetites
  4. Go white - water rafting on the zambezi river , the river that provides the world ' s greatest white - water adventure . all the rapids are big and fast grades 4 and 5
    到赞比西河激流泛舟。这条汹捍的赞比西河,水流喘急是世界上最著名的探险项目。整个水量的流速又快又凶猛,可达到4 5级。

Related Words

  1. zambezi
  2. zambezi escarp
  3. zambezi action plan
  4. zambezi development planning office
  5. zambezi river port caktaincy
  6. zambezi development planning office
  7. zambezi escarp
  8. zambezi river port caktaincy
  9. zambezia
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